Dr. Richard Hanley - Cheyenne Mountain Chiropractic http://www.CheyenneMountainChiro.com

Dr. Richard Hanley - Cheyenne Mountain Chiropractic   http://www.CheyenneMountainChiro.com
Dr. Hanley - Cheyenne Mountain Chiropractic http://www.CheyenneMountainChiro.com

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year to everyone!  I hope that last year was a good one for you, and that this new year is even better.  This is the time of year that a lot of folks make resolutions, the most common of which is to get into better physical shape.  Whether it is to loose weight, start an exercise regimen, or both.  Most of us understand the benefits of getting into better physical condition as a way to prevent health problems.  But, did you know that one of the best ways to prevent health issues is regular chiropractic treatments?  Yes, that's right.

Most of my patients understand that regular trips to the chiropractor help to prevent a relapse or recurrence of their neck pain or back pain, but the best kept secret in my office (at least it seems to be, although I try to make everyone aware or it) is that chiropractic treatments will help your overall state of health!  You see, because your spine protects your spinal cord, which controls every cell, tissue and organ of your body.  When the surrounding vertebrae get out of place it can pinch or irritate the nerves to those tissues.  When that happens, those organs can't function properly which can lead to disease.  By making sure that your "spine is in align", you will be healthier.  Don't just take my word for it, there is a lot of scientific research to prove it.

So, I hope that your New Year's resolution this year will include taking care of your spinal health along with the rest of your body!

Dr. Richard Hanley
Cheyenne Mountain Chiropractic
Your Colorado Springs Chiropractor

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